Job completed for Govind J.

Completion date:

April 6, 2020


Oakton, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer had squirrels in their attic.

Solutions provided:

Install reinforced Critter Guard above gutter line with white metal. Cap the ends to prevent chewing and entry through fascia board by rodents. Removal of soil contaminated insulation in attic to include droppings heavily soiled throughout. Sterifab Street to kill any bacteria, parasites, or fleas. Check electrical lines for chewing damage in seam tape flex duct at holes that have been chewed from squirrels. Remove prior cut out above fireplace upstairs in bedroom, drywall is screwed in. Remove any babies found, squirrels and repair drywall after completion mud and sand only for client to paint. Box soffit pocket over garage with white metal.

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