Job completed for Cybil A.

Completion date:

November 17, 2020


West Springfield, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer had foxes on their property.


Solutions provided:

Dig down around back deck and porch area up to 24 inches deep. Remove lattice work and install stainless steel screen from bottom of porch/decking to the dug out trench. Bottom of screen will be secured with cement and top of screen with screws. Door on backside of porch area will be screened and new lattice will be installed. On bottom of door frame a new piece of pressure treated wood will be installed to create a frame for the animal barrier to attach to. This will be done to allow the door to still be accessed. Install new white composite lattice over areas that had lattice existing. New lattice will also be installed on left side of stairs. Step rocks will be removed and reinstalled as best as possible. Some screening will be visible. One way for fox will be installed for a period of time and removed. Work will be finished after one way is removed.



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