Recent Jobs For Summit Wildlife Removal
July 5, 2022 | Ashburn, VA
Clean all nesting material possible, and sanitize two vents. Install a dryer defender over one dryer vent and bird guards over the other seven.
July 1, 2022 | Burke, VA
Remove all of the blown in insulation and feces. Steirfab the entire attic space to disinfect. Install baffles at the soffit lines and around the entry point. Air seal gaps and conduit lines with spray foam for energy efficiency. Insulate the entry door with foam board insulation. Blow over the …
June 30, 2022 | Nokesville, VA
Install 3 critter proof exhaust fan hood covers (white) on exhaust hood.Install 1 dryer exhaust hood cover. Screen stove exhaust hood.
June 30, 2022 | Ashburn, VA
Remove all nesting material possible. Sanitize the vent. Install a metal bird guard on the exterior. Check the dryer vent to make sure it is properly caulked it is low to the ground under the bay window.
June 30, 2022 | Ashburn, VA
Clean all nesting material possible from two vents, One on each side of home. Sanitize both of these vents.Install metal bird guards over three vents.
June 29, 2022 | Alexandria, VA
Install a new cap shingle over broken cap shingle on right side of main roof. Caulk gaps near chimney and roof line on the left side of the home. Remove all of the batted/blown in insulation and bat guano. Steirfab the entire attic space to disinfect. Air seal gaps …
June 29, 2022 | Gainesville, VA
Remove bird and nesting as able from top exhaust vent duct. Sanitize as able. Install bird proof hood guard for exhaust. Install dryer hood vent guard.
June 27, 2022 | Centerville, VA
Remove all of the batted insulation in the second story attic and lower right side attic space. Include removal raccoon feces and Steirfab to disinfect in both attic spaces. Install new baffles at the soffit lines and around the entry points. Insulate the entry points with foam board insulation. Blow …
June 24, 2022 | Vienna, VA
Remove damaged rake boards on both sides of the home. Install new 1×6 pressure treated wood and wrap with cream colored metal to match the home as best as possible. (Light maple colored metal) Use clear caulk to close of the goad on the frieze board on the front and …
June 22, 2022 | Arlington, VA
Cover entry point with custom sheet metal. No guarantee to match color. Install new galvanized attic fan cover over attic fan to help prevent wildlife from entering.
June 20, 2022 | Sterling, VA
Remove damaged wood on the backside of the home located on the bay window. Replace the water damaged 1×4 wood and remove the birds/ bird nesting. On the upper level of the home (second story) remove the damaged rake boards indicated by the technician and replace with new. Install sheet …
June 17, 2022 | Montross, VA
Install stainless steel screen on three gable vents. Remove birds and nesting from the rear right corner of the gutter. Install sheet metal to prevent entry. Install/secure white sheet metal on nine other gutter corners to prevent birds from nesting. Install one specialty guard for the dryer vent on …
June 17, 2022 | Fredericksburg, VA
Install stainless steel screen on three gables to prevent entry. Install four roof vent guards (RVG) over the four attic fans. Use caulk one three spots in the attic space that are potential points of entry and two spots on the left side of the home. Cap on the topside …
June 17, 2022 | Arlington, VA
Install new galvanized attic fan cover over attic fan on roof. Remove old screen from gable vents (2) remove accessible birds nest, inactive wasp nests and sanitize heavily
June 17, 2022 | Alexandria, VA
On the left side of the home, remove two bathroom vent pipes. Install new 3 inch insulated flex lines. In the rear bathroom remove the bathroom fan cover and clean the flies out. On the exterior of the home, install two new bathroom exhaust vent hoods and cover with white metal …
Total: 986