Category: Uncategorized

How To Get Rid Of Raccoons

Summit teaches you how to get rid of raccoons. Raccoon Removal methods. Raccoons in your attic, under your deck, and around your house.

Written by on December 11, 2019

Wildlife Proofing Your Home

How To Wildlife Proof Your Home. Providing information and tips on keeping wild animals away from your house. Sealing entry points, remove food sources, and many more.

Written by on January 20, 2018

Bats In The Attic

Bats can be fascinating to watch, but it’s a different story when they are infesting your home. They have incredible appetites, which can create quite a mess later, as well as health issues. That is why they must be removed.

Written by on January 20, 2018

Bat Control And Removal In Virginia

Bats are one of the most misunderstood and astonishing species native to the United States. They are the only mammals that achieve true flight, and those varieties found in Virginia subsist on a diet consisting entirely of insects.

Written by on January 20, 2018