Carpenter Bee Removal in Fredericksburg, Alexandria & Arlington, VA

Carpenter bees resemble bumblebees except their abdomens are shiny and void of the dense fur that bumblebees have. Carpenter bees are solitary bees, meaning they are only together for the purpose of mating and raising their offspring. They are called carpenter bees because they are known for causing damage to property by tunneling into wood to create their nests, burrowing as much as one inch deep. There are seven different carpenter bee species across the United States. In Virginia, we have the eastern carpenter bee. 

What Damage Can Carpenter Bees Cause to Your Property?

Carpenter bees first and foremost will damage buildings and homes. They will make holes and tunnels in frames, eaves and the sides of buildings. The clearest sign of carpenter bee damage is round, smooth holes on wooden surfaces. Some other signs of carpenter bees are seeing piles of sawdust, and staining on the wood from the carpenter bee’s biological functions. Carpenter bees prefer to nest in bare wood, so they are less likely to damage wooden structures that have been stained or painted. Female carpenter bees have stingers while males do not. Carpenter bees tend to not be aggressive and they will only sting if they feel threatened. Like other bee stings, people with allergies and sensitivities may experience adverse reactions or even anaphylaxis. It is important to seek proper medical attention if you have been stung.

How to Remove a Carpenter Bee Nest?

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The question our customers get asked a lot is, “How do I get rid of carpenter bees on my property?” 

Removing a carpenter bee nest is a very dangerous process and should only be done by a professional pest control company.. Professionals have access to the safety equipment and chemicals to properly treat the carpenter bees. The treatment can be exceedingly risky and it is not advised that you attempt the removal on your own. Unlike most species of stinging insects, you will not be swarmed by the entire hive since they are solitary, but their stings can be very powerful and cause discomfort.

Skilled technicians will first inspect your property for signs of carpenter bees and will devise the appropriate treatment for your unique situation. The treatment might be only one or be in a series depending on the severity of the case. Our skilled pest control technician will administer the treatment and monitor the situation. Much like other pest treatments, you should not expect immediate results, but rather a decline in the population over time and increased management of the pests.

How Much Does Carpenter Bee Removal & Treatment Cost?

Carpenter bee removal cost varies depending on the severity of the case and how many treatments are needed to take care of the problem. Summit Pest Control offers a free estimate for Carpenter Bee Pest Control Services. One of our skilled pest experts will be able to properly identify the bee and devise a treatment plan that is the best for your problem.

WDI Reports for Home Refinance & Home Purchase for Carpenter Bees in Northern Virginia

Carpenter Bees are one of the wood destroying insects that loan companies look for during a WDI (sometimes called NPMA33 or WDO, Wood Destroying Organism) Report. WDI Reports ensure your property is free of Termites, Carpenter Bees, Wood-Boring Beetles, and other wood destroying pests.   

A Summit Pest Control Technician will come out, inspect your property for Carpenter Bees and other wood destroying insects, and let you know if any treatment is required for your property to pass the inspection and will enable you to close on your home sale or refinance in Northern Virginia.

The cost for a WDI Report is a $125 flat fee inspection. 

Summit Pest Control Carpenter Bee Removal Services in Fredericksburg, Fairfax, and Stafford, VA

  • Carpenter Bee Prevention
  • Carpenter Bee Removal
  • Carpenter Bee Treatment
  • Carpenter Bee Holes Repair
  • General Pest Control

Pest Control for Carpenter Bees in Fredericksburg, Fairfax, & Alexandria, VA

Summit Pest Control offers a free estimate for Carpenter Bee treatment for our customers in FredericksburgStafford, Fairfax, Alexandria and the rest of Northern Virginia. If you have Carpenter Bees causing damage to your home, deck, porch, or other parts of your property, contact Summit Pest Control today to schedule an appointment. Summit offers appointment scheduling 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Contact Summit Wildlife Removal for Animal Removal, in Fredericksburg, Fairfax, Alexandria & Arlington, VA.

Contact us online or give us a call at 703-884-2124 when you need our services. For dog or cat issues, contact your local municipal animal control office.


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