Silverfish Pest Control in Fredericksburg, Fairfax, Alexandria & Arlington, VA

What are Silverfish?

Despite their name, they aren’t actually fish, but rather insects. They are metallic silver in color and are typically a little less than an inch long. They are oval-shaped with six legs and a bristle-like tail at the end of their body. There are six different species of silverfish found in Virginia, but generally they all share the same basic characteristics.

Damages Caused by Silverfish

Do you have a silverfish infestation? Silverfish can cause property damage, especially to things around the home made of paper. The diet of silverfish consists mainly of sugar and starches. They will chew on paper products such as books, wallpaper and fabrics like linens and silk. Occasionally they will eat glue usually from books and shampoo. Something interesting about silverfish is they can actually go weeks without food, although this is certainly not preferred and they are actually drawn to environments that offer them a consistent food source. Although silverfish cause damage, they are not known to spread viruses or diseases or pose harm to people or pets. They are known as nuisance pests, because they destroy things but don’t inflict harm like bites or stings.

Silverfish Prevention丨Summit Pest Control

The best way to prevent silverfish is to keep the home clean and humidity-free. Keeping food properly sealed, the home dusted and vacuumed regularly and leaky pipes and other water damage assessed should help to ensure the silverfish stay away.

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How to get rid of Silverfish? | Pest Control Treatment for Silverfish

Silverfish can be gotten rid of with baited traps, chemical repellents and pesticides. The best thing to do however is to hire a pest control company to take care of the silverfish infestation. Pest control companies have access to stronger professional chemicals that will more effectively remove and control the silverfish. There are silverfish sprays and silverfish traps that can be used to combat the issue, but the technician who does your estimate will come up with a plan that best suits your situation. 

Cost for Silverfish Extermination and Treatment | Summit Pest Control

The cost for a silverfish extermination treatment is variable.  The team at Summit Pest Control will inspect your property and provide you with a solution for your Silverfish infestation.  Generally, a pest control treatment plan for silverfish will also cover: 

Silverfish Pest Control & Removal in Fredericksburg, Fairfax, and Alexandria

For silverfish infestation treatment and control in Fredericksburg, Fairfax, Alexandria and the rest of Northern Virginia, it is best to hire a professional pest control company like Summit Pest Control. At Summit, a skilled pest control technician will evaluate the situation and come up with the best solution. We will do our best to provide you with excellent service and make sure your home is pest-free. Contact us today for silverfish pest control or for solutions for any of your other pest problems. 

Contact Summit Wildlife Removal for Animal Removal, in Fredericksburg, Fairfax, Alexandria & Arlington, VA.

Contact us online or give us a call at 703-884-2124 when you need our services. For dog or cat issues, contact your local municipal animal control office.


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